When you have to bring in your vehicle for auto repair in Williston, ND, your mind will likely be buzzing with many different questions and concerns. But if you are inexperienced with or overwhelmed by dealing with a mechanic, chances are you will not remember to ask everything that needs to be asked. Fortunately, there are a handful of questions that cover just about everything, from price to legitimacy to causes. With that in mind, here are six questions you definitely ought to ask your mechanic before, during and after auto repair in Williston, ND.
What does the quote include?
Some mechanics believe in using upfront pricing, meaning that you can count on paying the price they first quote to you. Others use estimates, and reserve the right to add on extra service fees should the job be more challenging or arduous than they first expected. Know what your mechanic’s approach to pricing is so you can plan accordingly.
How could I have avoided this issue?
If your auto repair is related to an accident, then you probably will not need to ask this question. But if it is not collision-related, it might be helpful to know if additional maintenance or care could have prevented this issue, or at least put it off for a while longer.
Are you fully certified and licensed?
Whenever hiring someone for a professional service, you need to insist that they be certified and licensed for the job. If you suspect a mechanic might not be fully licensed and certified, ask to see documented proof. Belonging to a professional organization, such as the Chamber of Commerce or North Dakota Towing Association, is also a nice plus.
Do you have experience with this kind of repair?
Even if a mechanic has general experience, they might not be particularly knowledgeable about your specific repair. For example, if you have an issue with your muffler but go to a mechanic that specializes in auto body repair, you might not be getting the best possible care for your car.
How long will this take?
Having a schedule is always a good idea. Yes, things might come up that will understandably delay the repair, such as needing to specially order a specific part. But having some idea of how long it might take will help you to plan accordingly, as well as keep your mechanic on track.
Should this repair need any follow-up work?
If you are getting a new part for your car, make sure you understand what kind of maintenance needs and follow-up work the part will require. Ask if your mechanic provides that service, and if they do, schedule a tentative maintenance appointment with them at the recommended time.
Here at Chaney Total Auto & Exhaust Repair, we know that communicating with a mechanic can sometimes be intimidating or frustrating for some customers. That is why we strive to always answer questions clearly and respectfully when performing auto repair in Williston, ND. We hope you will trust us with your next auto repair job.