Now is the time to make sure your heater is working this winter. The last thing you want is to be driving on a below-zero day only to have your heater give out and turn your car into a walk-in freezer. If you experienced heater shortcomings last winter, make an appointment with your auto mechanic in Williston, ND to avoid them this year. Here is what could be wrong to make your car heater malfunction:
- Coolant flush needed: Many heater problems arise because drivers do not flush their systems regularly. Since old or dirty coolant does not work as well as fresh coolant, it will eventually gum up heaters and cause them to fail. This should be a part of regular auto maintenance. If you do not remember when you last had this done, make an appointment soon.
- Low coolant: Coolant for your heater sounds counterintuitive, but it is actually just as essential for heating as for cooling. If your radiator lacks coolant, your heating and air conditioning will stop working. Sometimes, we trace this to a radiator leak, and other times, it is as simple as a loose or damaged cap. When your car is less cozy on cold days, check the coolant level and find relief in this likely quick fix.
- Heater core interference: There are more storms in winter, and with them, more debris on the road. These can build up under your hood and even plug your heater core. Since this keeps coolant from flowing well, your heater loses the ability to operate. Unfortunately, the only solution is a heater core replacement and coolant system flush. Avoid this scenario by avoiding piles of rubbish on the road and storing your car in the garage during the winter.
- Air pockets: This is another issue that can happen with your heater core. Air pockets can build up in the heater core itself, or in the coolant hoses. They block the coolant flow, and eventually, your heater will stop working. Mechanics fix this by bleeding the lines to remove the air pockets and flushing the system as a precaution. You will know you have air pockets because your heater function will decrease. If you address this problem quickly, you will likely avoid expensive repairs.
- Electrical issues: If turning the dials on your heater produces no sound or air, there is likely an electrical issue linked to a blown motor or fuse. Mechanics will check heater switches, power relays and wires to find the source of the problem. Getting nothing from your heater is not always a catastrophic repair, since this symptom has several causes.
- Heat control valve defects: Heat control valves help coolant circulate through the heater core even when you are not running the heater. While they are normally open to facilitate this process, defects can close them completely. This cuts off access to coolant and makes heater operation impossible.
Chaney Total Auto & Exhaust Repair is your auto mechanic in Williston, ND for winter car preparation. Call us today to schedule any essential maintenance or repairs.